Sunday, February 7, 2010


5 February 2010
Ha Ha Ha.
Well today is day five. I have to say this whole thing is starting a little easier than I thought it would. I’m hungry all the time. I’m certainly not eating as much. One reason is I don’t know what to eat or really what I can eat. I jumped into this no glucose diet like a fool. I didn’t do my homework. I didn’t research what I could eat or where I can find it. Shame on me. Hey just a little bump. I can figure it out I’m sure. No soda is great. I barely miss it. Sugar I think is the hardest. Seems like every time I turn on the T.V. the stupid Kit Kat song is on or the one where the lady is lusting for a milky way. Since I got home and turned on the T.V. at 3:30 I’ve counted 3 kit Kat commercials and 4 other commercials one was the lady lusting the candy the other three were the girls getting their nails done and the 3 musketeers floating away. It is now 5:19 The T.V. is not meant to be watched by people on a diet. Hey but I’m tuff I can resist. Hey this is fun and exciting I think. I am discovering most of my weaknesses. They seem to show up only when you don’t want them to.

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